Nursing Breastfeeding Cover


Breastfeeding in public is, I believe, one of the last taboos. What can be more natural than a mother feeding her child? I consider myself blessed to be able to breastfeed my bubba. It’s a choice that I feel all mothers should be supported to make (or not), even if its not always easy or possible, for the undeniable nutritional value it provides and the fact that its free and natural.*

Using DIY Nursing Cover

Using DIY Nursing Cover

Despite my view that mothers should be able to breastfeed whenever and wherever they need to, there are times when I am not comfortable to do so. For example, busy hospital foyers, shopping malls. Happily, in amongst the ever-growing and oft bewildering mountain of products thrust upon new parents are some practical and useful ideas, and I would include a nursing/breast feeding cover in the useful category. But not in the ‘sure! I’ll pay $100 for it’ category.

DIY Nursing Cover

DIY Nursing Breastfeeding Cover

In fact I find this nursing cover excellent if I’m in a sunny, drafty or cold position, and even just to help bub keep focused and not get so distracted!

Nursing Cover Pocket

Nursing Cover Pocket

I found this fabulous tutorial over at DIY Maternity to make a very easy cover. I love Megan’s website – lots of creative and thrifty ideas for re-purposing clothes; head over and check it out. It was even quick enough for me to make in short bursts during rest breaks, like when I was making Baby Bunting.

Nursing Cover Frills and Peek-A-Boo

Nursing Cover Frills and Peek-A-Boo corset boning

If you have a sewing machine, or know someone who does, this takes no time at all. I added a pocket to hold a cloth and a dummy, and ruffles just to make it pretty, but you don’t have to. I used some gorgeous fabric I picked up at Spotlight for $1/metre ages ago, and as my rather lame sewing machine can’t handle sewing through elastic as suggested in the tutorial, I used some press studs I already had for the behind-the-neck strap, which does the job just as nicely even if it isn’t quite as finessed.

Nursing Cover Peek-A-Boo and Neck Clasp

Nursing Cover Peek-A-Boo and Neck Clasp

I did buy 25cm of corset boning, to use as a little ‘peek-a-boo space’ to look at bubba while feeding, which cost me less than a dollar. (Megan’s tutorial has an even cheaper option!) So all together, this project *might* have cost me $2. And as far as time, well I’d say around an hour, if that. It really is just a hemmed rectangle and a strip of fabric to go around your neck!

What a gorgeous project to make for yourself or as a baby shower gift.

Nursing Cover Pretty Fabric

Isn’t this fabric with its see-through design pretty?

*I know that many mums can’t breastfeed for a range of reasons, just as some mums may choose to bottle feed. I completely respect the choices mothers make for themselves and their families and in no way do I wish to add to any guilt or expectation on all our beautiful mamas. Bonds between mother and baby are still strong and lasting when created through bottle feeding. The best thing to do is the thing that works. 🙂

Post script

I also didn’t intend for this to relate to the storm in a teacup that is the TIME cover and article on attachment parenting, however it seems somewhat inescapable to talk breastfeeding and not mention it. Personally, I feel the cover image was unnecessarily challenging; it didn’t convey the nurturing, natural, motherly elements that breastfeeding entails, to me at least. Having the little boy stand on a stool to reach his mother introduced far too much ‘milk maid’ than ‘mama’ imagery for mine. The mother’s hands on hips issued a somewhat salacious challenge, aiming to tap into a sexualisation of breastfeeding, which is one of the primary concerns and complaints of women breastfeeding in public. Despite the fact that the World Health Organisation recommends mothers breastfeed until their child is age two and beyond for full nutritional benefit, it is ultimately a personal decision made by mothers and their families. It was photographed to sell magazines and ignite debate – but did it help? I wonder…

6 responses »

  1. Such a pretty yet practical idea Beck. I used to struggle with a muslin wrap when feeding in public since the specialised covers were too expensive, but the DIY cover looks do-able if we have another bub 🙂
    On the issue you raise of the Time cover, in my view the picture is so challenging for the general public & created an unnecessary division before we even get to look at the pros & the increasing body of positive research on the outcomes of the valid path of attachment/natural parenting. Sad, because these divisions undermine the commonality that we share in all wanting the best for our children….

    • Thanks Emma! Its super easy. 🙂
      I completely agree that all of us work hard to give our children/nieces/nephews/grandkids the best we can; there is so much judgement when it comes to raising little ones. I suppose the best we can do for each other, our friends, mums groups and relatives, is to be supportive, and try to ignore the white noise. Thank you for your incisive comments. 🙂

    • Hi Cindy!
      What a fantastic idea! How did you go? I’d love to see a pic of your finished product 🙂
      Thanks so much for leaving a note 🙂

      • The ice cream pail handle worked very well.Of course you have to trim off the end and I tried to make it rounded so as not to wear through. Before I gave it as a shower gift, I ended up near a Joann Fabric store and checked the boning and decided that it was not as stiff as I wanted anyway. The handle is very malleable and I think it will work well. At Joann Fabric I did buy better d=rings because the pair I had cut off an old belt were too heavy. I will see if I can get my daughter in law to take a photo . I am a retired home ec teacher with a love of sewing but not finding many creative outlets. I think I will make another one while the steps are fresh in my mind. Plus I have many ice cream pails.

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